Try before you buy

Sign up today for a risk-free trial with DwellingCost's 100% satisfaction guarantee. Once you've experienced the product, we're confident you're going to want to buy. In order to maximize value and flexibility for your business, we offer three ways to purchase the same unlimited access to our web application. Or navigate over to DC Web Services to learn about how to connect to our data in seconds via API call and integrate DCx with your product or internal systems.

$10 / month

A Flexible Monthly Plan

Receive unlimited access to our cost data for less than many per-report providers.

$95 / year

Over 20% Annual Savings

The same benefits as the monthly plan, but with significant cost savings when you pay for 12 months up front.


Our Corporate Plans

Unlimited searches at a significant discount when you subscribe for bulk licenses for your entire practice. Contact us for more details.

Integrate your product or internal application in seconds with DCx or any product via our Web Services API offering.

Learn More Here